Bash script that installs the required dependencies for generator-angularjs-cordova for ios and android.
The aim is to get an environment that is fully configured. If any additional configuration is required, please create an issue for it.
xcode 1.6
xcode command line tools
By installing this you are accepting oracle license jdk-8u25-oth-JPR. see
Installs the following:
- Android SDK r23.0.2 with installed API level 19
- Android API level 19 r01 x86 image
- Android API level 19 Nexus S x86 default AVD
- Oracle JDK 1.8 25
- Brew
- Enables showing hidden files and folders
- Ant
- node
- npm packages bower grunt-cli yo cordova generator-angularjs-cordova ios-sim ios-deploy
- ipa
clone this repository and execute the script. Enter your user password when prompted
git clone
cd angularjs-cordova-osx
The aim is for the following to work after execution:
Generate a skeleton using yeoman
mkdir HelloCordova
cd HelloCordova
yo angularjs-cordova
Answer the questions and remember to check th ios box for ios support.
Basic desktop serve
grunt serve
Android emulation or device deploy
grunt build
cordova emulate android
cordova run android
IOS emulation or device deploy
For device deploy, open the platforms/ios/.xcodeproj project in xcode and ensure that a provisioning profile is configured for the project.
grunt build
cordova emulate ios
cordova run ios
IOS testflight distribution
grunt build
cordova build ios --release
cd platforms/ios
ipa distribute
API Token:
<enter your api token from>
Team Token:
<enter your api token from>
What's new in this release:
<Replace with release message>
License: MIT