AngularJS Social Login (socialLogin)
AngularJS Social Login Module is a simple client side authentication module which helps to authenticate your application using Google/Facebook/LinkedIN. It doesn’t maintain any session, session between client application and server should be maintained by yourself after receiving user details from the provider.
Supported sites:
via npm
npm install angularjs-social-login --save
via bower
bower install angularjs-social-login --save
configure installation
Include JS files:
<script src="bower_components/angularjs-social-login/angularjs-social-login.js"></script>
Then include socialLogin
as a dependency for your app:
angular.module('myApp', ['socialLogin']);
socialProvider.setGoogleKey("YOUR GOOGLE CLIENT ID");
socialProvider.setLinkedInKey("YOUR LINKEDIN CLIENT ID");
socialProvider.setFbKey({appId: "YOUR FACEBOOK APP ID", apiVersion: "API VERSION"});
There are total three directives for handling Google, Facebook, LinkedIn authentication.
- fbLogin (For Facebook)
- gLogin (For Google)
- linkedIn (For LinkedIn)
socialProvider.setGoogleKey("YOUR GOOGLE CLIENT ID")
socialProvider.setLinkedInKey("YOUR LINKEDIN CLIENT ID")
socialProvider.setFbKey("YOUR FACEBOOK APP ID")
$rootScope.$on('event:social-sign-in-success', function(event, userDetails){})
Braodcast event which will be triggered after successful authentication.userDetails
is anObject
consists of{name: <user_name>, email: <user_email>, imageUrl: <image_url>, uid: <UID by social vendor>, provider: <Google/Facebook/LinkedIN>, token: < accessToken for Facebook & google, no token for linkedIN>}, idToken: < google idToken >
For logout$rootScope.$on('event:social-sign-out-success', function(event, logoutStatus){})
Braodcast event which will be triggered after successful logout.
<button g-login type="button">Google Login</button>
<button linked-in type="button">LinkedIn Login</button>
<button fb-login type="button">facebook Login</button>