AirPair Social Authoring
Thank you
Thanks for contributing content to AirPair’s community posts section. This post authored by Uri Shaked can be edited at:
Licensing of Content
Content submitted to AirPair with no monetary exchange belongs to the author. Contributors are
granted rights to copy this content for the purpose of contributing, however under no circumstances
do contributions grant co-ownership rights with the original author. This content may not be
published anywhere other than without the author’s permission.
If any finacial exchange has occured between the author and AirPair, AirPair assumes ownership
of this content and it may not be published, including by the author anywhere other than without permission.
Author Instructions
All edits are tracked via this GitHub repo. You can use the AirPair editor to
save changes back to this repo, or edit the markdown file with any tool of your choice.
Accepting contributions
All contributions come in the form of Pull Requests. Use GitHub to view and
merge or reject Pull Requests.
Updating your post on AirPair
AirPair does not automatically sync with this repo. Propagating HEAD is a
manual process which you can do, by clicking “Publish” during the community review phase.
Once your post is fully published, updating AirPair from this repo will
require an AirPair user with editor permissions.
Contributor Instructions
Before you start editing, if it’s been more than a few hours since you forked this post,
we highly recomment updating your fork so not to suggest edits on an old version of the post.
Edit your fork with the tool of your choice and then use GitHub to create a pull request from you
fork with the original repo as your base.