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Booking Admin Application

The Booking Admin application manage appointments for users. It is built using the React library and the Shopify Polaris design system. The application serves as the front-end layer that communicates with the back-end Booking API, providing seamless and user-friendly management of appointments, shifts, and user-related tasks.


npm run build

It download the openapi.yml from booking-api repostory and then generate typesafe react-query hook.


npm install
npm run build-openapi
npm run dev

This will install deps, download openapi.yml and generate the typesafe react-query hook.

You need to configure vite to point to the api.

export default defineConfig({ server: { open: true, proxy: { "/api": { target: "http://localhost:7071/api", changeOrigin: true, secure: false, ws: false, rewrite: (path) => path.replace(/^\/api/, ""), }, }, }, plugins: [react()], });


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Posted in Development