Buycar is a website for the users as well as for the dealers where dealers can add up there car online for the users who want to buy second hand car
Signup Page
here you first have to register on the website by filling all the credentials
please Note:- Password must contain small case, upper case, special character and number as well as it must be of more than 6 character
Login Page
here you can login just by filling right email and password
Note :- email and password must be correct as it was during registering
Home page
After successful login you will be redirect to the Home page where you can see all the car posted by the dealers
Here you can filter the data by company, sort the data by price in ascending or descending order also you can filter the data with colors
sell your car page
here you can add your car details to post it online
you can add image of your car also for that i have used cloudinary to change image in to url to save it on mongoDB
Description page
here you can see the details of car
here details will come from two side one is from dealers side and one will come from Company OEM;s specification
Your post page
here you can see all the car posted by you
you can also update the details of any car
also you can delete your post also
also you can filter by company, sort them by price also filter them by colors
you can logout from the website anytime just by clicking on logout button
For Backend I use Nodejs, MongoDb, Mongoose and Express js. With the help of json webtoken and bcrypt I enhance the security of the application.
for Frontend i use reactjs along with redux for state management , react-router-dom and use normal CSS along with chakra ui Deployed link for application (on Vercel) :-
Deployed link for Backend (on Cyclic):-Thank you if you read full documentation. You are awesome as i am. I will meet at the next project. Bye 🙂 gulabi dil.