NOTICE: has limit its token permisson, so this repo fail to work, will resume this repo when officially support ChatGPT API
chatgpt as slack bot
- Set the chatgpt token by command
- Talk with
in DM channel - Invite the
then direct, then mention@ChatGPT
to talk with ChatGPT - Conversation by channel
- each channel (DM, group, public channel etc) give one conversation
- reset the channel conversation by
Setup Slack Bot by Web site
click Add To Slack
Setup from Zero
Goal: we will step by step to fill the .env
create a slack app in your workspace
- open socket mode
- set the App Display name as your need
- Add bot user since we want to mention @ChatGPT to let it work
setup scopes
goto app oauth page:, make Scopes as:
- where
can direct talk in im - where
to talk in channel
setup commands
Command to direct send question to ChatGPT/reset-chatgpt-conversation
Command to reset the conversation thread to cleanup the context/set-chatgpt-token
Command to globally set new Bearer Auth token which are copied from ChatGPT website/print-chatgpt-token
Command to print current Bearer Auth token
Finally, we can setup such following values in .env file
- Find in the Oauth & Permissions tab
- Find in Basic Information Tab
- Token from the App-level Token that we created
copy the Bearer Auth token from ChatGPT website
put into .env file CHATGPT_AUTH_TOKEN=<copied token value>
- you can use
to setup the token for update, e.g. you may need reset the thread, and don’t want to reset the bot server.
run the bot app
git clone
npm i
npm run build
npm run start
then you can use ChatGPT in Slack.
Docker run
docker build -t chatgpt-slackbot
docker run -it --rm chatgpt-slackbot