E Commerce | Stealim
✨ About The Project
MERN stack
Full Responsive
In this project, I wanted to use the react and redux toolkit, which I always use, together with typescript, and I wanted to make an e-commerce application using them. In this project, I tried to do operations such as listing products, seeing product details, adding/removing to cart, adding/removing to favorites, searching for products, ordering the products in the basket. My project is fully responsive, I hope you like it 🙂
📌 Build With
🔍 Setup
Clone the project with “git clone”
After cloning the project, by following these steps, you will fulfill the project requirements.
- install with npm:
npm i
After downloading the requirements, first get into client folder and run below codes:
- Run with npm:
npm start
After that, get into api folder and run below codes:
- Run with npm:
npm start
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