Golang-React-psql-docker (Golang, Docker, React, Postgres) project starter.
Disclaimer: This project is not actively supported and not recommended for production apps. Hope it serves as a learning resource.
- Start a this project with one command on any computer with docker-compose installed
- Dev mode features hot reloading on code changes for both the GoLang backend and React frontend (no need to rebuild containers while coding)
- Production mode features optimized static React frontend and binary goLang backend
- Production images built by passing a single arg option (images can then run on any computer with Docker)
- Anyone can contribute to your project locally without having to setup/install GOPATH, Postgres, node etc
- Dev environment is the same as production environment
- Quickly get your GoDoRP project off the ground
- Forking the repo allows for customization of the template for your preferences
Getting started:
- download docker-compose if not already installed
Then run the following commands:
$ mkdir myApp
$ cd myApp
$ git clone https://github.com/bomber0325/Golang-React-psql-docker.git .
$ docker-compose up
Then you can open the React frontend at localhost:3000 and the RESTful GoLang API at localhost:5000
Changing any frontend (React) code locally will cause a hot-reload in the browser with updates and changing any backend (GoLang) code locally will also automatically update any changes.
Then to build production images run:
$ docker build ./api --build-arg app_env=production
$ docker build ./frontend --build-arg app_env=production
$ docker build ./db