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How to Use SMTP Server to Send WordPress Emails


Are you having trouble receiving or sending emails from your WordPress site? In this article, we will show you how to use a SMTP server to send WordPress emails.

The Problem with WordPress Emails

WordPress uses the PHP mail function to send emails. Many shared hosting providers do not have this function configured properly, or they have disabled it entirely to avoid abuse. In either case, your WordPress emails will not be delivered, be delivered to junk or you could end up with your hosting being blacklisted.

The Solution

There is a great plugin I use on all sites that I host called Easy WP SMTP which allows you to configure and send all outgoing emails via a SMTP server. This will prevent your emails from going into the junk/spam folder of the recipients.

The main features of this plugin are:-

  • Send email using a SMTP sever.
  • You can use Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail’s SMTP server if you have an account with them.
  • Seamlessly connect your WordPress blog with a mail server to handle all outgoing emails (it’s as if the email has been composed inside your mail account).
  • Securely deliver emails to your recipients.

Once you have installed the plugin there are some options that you need to configure in the plugin settings (go to Settings->Easy WP SMTP from your WordPress Dashboard).

Once you have this configured, send a test email to make sure you have configured it correctly. If this has worked you can save your settings and your good to go!

Now all emails on the website will be sent via SMTP as opposed to the PHP mail function and emails should go directly to users inboxes instead of the junk folder.

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