Call login from your /twitter route, saving the OAuth tokenSecret to use later. In this example, we use the request session (using, for example, express-session).
app.get('/twitter',(req,res)=>{tw.login((err,tokenSecret,url)=>{if(err){// Handle the error your way}// Save the OAuth token secret for use in your /twitter/callback routereq.session.tokenSecret=tokenSecret// Redirect to the /twitter/callback route, with the OAuth responses as query paramsres.redirect(url)})})
Then, call callback from your /twitter/callback route. The request will include oauth_token and oauth_verifier in the URL, accessible with req.query. Pass those into callback, along with the OAuth tokenSecret you saved in the login callback above, and a callback that handles a user object that this module will return.
app.get('/twitter/callback',(req,res)=>{tw.callback({oauth_token: req.query.oauth_token,oauth_verifier: req.query.oauth_verifier},req.session.tokenSecret,(err,user)=>{if(err){// Handle the error your way}// Delete the tokenSecret securelydeletereq.session.tokenSecret// The user object contains 4 key/value pairs, which// you should store and use as you need, e.g. with your// own calls to Twitter's API, or a Twitter API module// like `twitter` or `twit`.// user = {// userId,// userName,// userToken,// userTokenSecret// }req.session.user=user// Redirect to whatever route that can handle your new Twitter login user details!res.redirect('/')});});
If you want to implement logout, simply delete the user object stored in the session.
For more information, check out the implementation in index.js.