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Next.js Blog App

This is a simple blog app built using Next.js. The app is created as part of the tutorial provided by Next.js.

Preview on Vercel


The app includes the following features:

  • Home page displaying a list of blog posts
  • Individual blog post pages



Getting Started

To get started with the app, clone the repository and install the dependencies.

git clone
cd nextjs-blog
npm install

Once the dependencies are installed, you can run the development server using the following command:

npm run dev

The app should now be running on http://localhost:3000.

Built with

The app is built using the following technologies:

  • Next.js
  • React


  • Pages directory: Pages are associated with a route based on their file name.
  • next/link: Linking between pages in your application.
  • next/image: Resizing & optimizing images.
  • next/head: Adding metadatas.
  • next/script: Loading third-party scripts such as analytics, ads.
  • CSS Modules: Allow you to locally scope CSS at the component-level by automatically creating unique class names.
  • pages/_app.js: A top-level React component that wraps all the pages in your application.
  • clsx library: In className property, it’s like a if-statement – How to use.
  • Pre-rendering
  • gray-matter: Lets us parse the metadata in each markdown file.
  • getStaticProps
  • getServerSideProps: If you need to fetch data at request time instead of at build time, you can try Server-side Rendering
  • SWR: A React hook for data fetching.
  • remark library: To render markdown content, we’ll use the remark library.
  • date-fns library: To format the date, we’ll use the date-fns library.
  • getStaticPaths: Define your paths auto.


This app was created as part of the tutorial provided by Next.js. The tutorial was very helpful in guiding me through the process of building a blog app using Next.js.


I hope you find this app useful in learning the basics of Next.js. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me.

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Posted in Development