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Product 3D AI


The 3D product website is a comprehensive platform that showcases customizable 3D t-shirts with the ability to alter their logos
and textures. Moreover, the platform offers cutting-edge AI technology that generates logos and textures tailored to your specific
requirements, based on prompts provided by the user. The website is Developed using React, a popular JavaScript library, the
platform boasts the integration of Three.js, a powerful 3D modeling library. Additionally, ChatGPT’s DallE image generation model
has been employed to provide users with advanced AI-generated image customization capabilities.

The 3D product website also provides users with an intuitive and user-friendly interface that facilitates easy navigation and smooth
interaction with the platform. The website is optimized for a seamless user experience and features a responsive design that ensures
compatibility across all devices.

Installation for developement

  1. Client (FrontEnd)

    a. Go into the client folder by running the command :

     cd client

    b. Install the packages, to install the packages run the command :

     npm install

    c. Change the link in the code in folder :

    Folder Location : client > src > pages > Customizer.jsx Code change : In handleSubmit function change the link from to http://localhost:8080/ or else the AI model with not work on your local server.

    d. Now Run the client (frontend), To run the frontend run the command :

     npm run dev

    e. Your client (frontend) is ready you can open your frontend from the given link in the terminal. ๐ŸŽ‰

  2. Server (BackEnd)

    a. Go into the server folder by running the command :

     cd server

    b. Install the packages, to install the packages run the command :

     npm install

    c. Create an .env file in the server folder, you can get the api key from the OpenAi Official website,
    and add the API key in the file, :


    d. Now Run the server (Backend), To run the frontend run the command :

     npm start

    e. Your server (Backend) is ready you can open your frontend from the given link in the terminal. ๐ŸŽ‰

  3. Congratulation you are all set and got to go. ๐Ÿคนโ€

Have Fun.๐Ÿ˜‰

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Posted in Development