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School Supplies Donation APP

With this app students can donate their school supplies to others with are in need.
the donation can be don through two ways:

  1. Direct witch means that students can give directly after they contact each other through email or phone number which exists in the application
  2. Indirect which mean that students give to Charities and then they delivered.
    this option is valid if the donner and the benefit is not in the same State


The main fonctionalite of the application are:

  1. Give the users the possiblite to post about a certuen school supply they willing to donate.
  2. Give users the possiblite to make requests about certain items if they can afforted.
  3. Give the users access to emails and phone numbres to make contact direct contact.
  4. The users can write comments to the requests section
  5. Web App to the charities which contain the list of users and with app they can give the donation to to others users
  6. the users can check the state of their package which delivered to the charities by the donnor


Clone the reposotory in your desktop
Open the terminal in the backend and web folders and run this lines:

    npm install
    npm start

and in the last folder ( mobile ) open the terminal and run this lines

    npm install
    npx expo start

you should install expo-cli

and thats it, the app is running


  1. Charities
  1. Mobile App
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Posted in Development