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Simplify your form validations in React projects with hook and extended html form elements

Simplify your form validations in React projects with hook and extended html form elements

Reactjs Forms





$ npm install reactjs-forms


reactjs-forms is a React package that contains a few React components and hook system. The components are almost the same as React syntactic form elements.So you may use all attributes which you can use them on syntactic form elements.

Extended Features

reactjs-forms contains Input,Select and Textarea components.that components have validation,customValidation,identity props.Validation prop is a PrimaryValidateObject typed object prop.Validation accepts an object which contains primary validations.(buit-in validations).CustomValidation accepts a function is that returns object.That object has msg and result props.Msg is used to send a msg to ValidationResultObject whenever custom validation result is false.

Primary Validations

descriptor is value forced explanation
required No value cannot be empty or undefined
isEmail No value must be email address format
isAlpha No value must contain letters
isUnicode No value must contain unicode letters
isName No value must be name format
isNumeric No value can be numbers
isAlphaNumeric No value must contain letters and numbers
isUnicodeNumeric No value must contain unicode letters and numbers
maxLen Yes value must contain fewer characters than {{value}}
minLen Yes value must contain more characters than {{value}}
max Yes value must be numeric that lower than {{value}}
min Yes value must be numeric that greater than {{value}}

Primary validations are under development.You can help me to declare new features so you can be collaborator.Additionally you can access primary validation list under core/pipelines.ts

Custom Validations

You may declare custom validations.Custom validations accpet function with 2 parameters value and identity and returns an object that has result and msg props.
we have given an example see Example – 2

Extended Form Element and Multiple Select Element

  • Form element has validation results in submit handler via e.currentTarget.validation
  • Primitive React Syntactic select elements cannot set values as array.You have to make an effort to get all selected options from HTMLSelectAttibutes but you don’t need it when using reactjs-forms Select Component.So you can access all selected option values via see Example – 2


we have to wrap React compoents with FormValidation Component that contains base context provider

import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import App from "./App"; import FormValidation from "reactjs-forms"; ReactDOM.render( <FormValidation> <App /> </FormValidation>, document.getElementById("root") );

Or if you develope under NextJS;

import type { AppProps } from "next/app"; import FormValidation from "reactjs-forms"; function MyApp({ Component, pageProps }) { return ( <FormValidation> <Component {...pageProps} /> </FormValidation> ); } export default MyApp;
Example – 1

any component;

import { useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { Form, Input, Textarea, useFormValidation } from "reactjs-forms"; const App = () => { const [email, setEmail] = useState(""); const [name, setName] = useState(""); const [age, setAge] = useState(""); const [address, setAddress] = useState(""); const [errors, setErrors] = useState({}); const [addressErrors, setAddressErrors] = useState({}); const validation = useFormValidation(); const emailErrors = useMemo( () => ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [errors] ); const nameErrors = useMemo( () => ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [errors] ); const ageErrors = useMemo( () => errors.age ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [errors] ); const onlyAddressErrors = useMemo( () => addressErrors.address ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [addressErrors] ); return ( <div> <Form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); console.log(e.currentTarget.validation); //we have accessed to the validation results via submit event currentTarget setErrors(validation().result); //get validation errors and set errors state for rendering }} > <label htmlFor="email">Email:</label> <Input onChange={(e) => setEmail(} value={email} //we have to declare value attribute identity="email" //also we have to declare identity attribute because of that value is used to get validation results id="email" // type="email" validation={{ required: true, isEmail: true, }} /> {/* list all email erros*/} <ul>{emailErrors}</ul> <br /> <label htmlFor="name">Name:</label> <Input onChange={(e) => setName(} value={name} identity="name" id="name" validation={{ isName: { msg: "custom message", //you may or not declare a custom message value: true, //you dont have to declare value also }, }} /> {/* list all name erros*/} <ul>{nameErrors}</ul> <br /> <label htmlFor="age">Age:</label> <Input onChange={(e) => setAge(} value={age} identity="age" id="age" validation={{ isNumeric: true, min: 17, //you can assign value or msg like object notation max: { value: "120", msg: "What was that.holy lighten!!!!!", }, }} /> <ul>{ageErrors}</ul> <br /> <label htmlFor="address">Address:</label> <br /> <Textarea onChange={(e) => setAddress(} value={address} identity="address" id="address" validation={{ required: true, isUnicode: true, }} onBlur={() => { setAddressErrors(validation("address").result); //you may send args to get only specific inputs errors like ["adress","email"] or "address","email" }} /> <ul>{onlyAddressErrors}</ul> <button>Send</button> </Form> </div> ); }; export default App;
Example – 2

In this example we will create a custom validator and also we will use a select form element with multiple selected attribute

import { useMemo, useState } from "react"; import { Form, Input, Select, useFormValidation } from "reactjs-forms"; const Other = () => { const [password, setPassword] = useState(""); const [passwordRepeat, setPasswordRepeat] = useState(""); const [jobs, setJobs] = useState([]); const [errors, setErrors] = useState({}); const validation = useFormValidation(); const passwordErrors = useMemo( () => errors.password ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [errors] ); const passwordRepeatErrors = useMemo( () => errors.passwordRepeat ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [errors] ); const jobsErrors = useMemo( () => ?, i) => <li key={i}>{v.msg}</li>) : [], [errors] ); //we have created a custom validator function function isEqulPasswords(password) { return function (value, identity) { return { msg: "passwords dont match", result: password === value, }; }; } return ( <div> <Form onSubmit={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); setErrors(validation().result); }} > <label htmlFor="password">Password:</label> <Input onChange={(e) => setPassword(} value={password} type="password" identity="password" id="password" validation={{ required: true, }} /> <br /> <ul>{passwordErrors}</ul> <label htmlFor="password-repeat">Password-Repeat:</label> <Input onChange={(e) => setPasswordRepeat(} value={passwordRepeat} type="password" identity="passwordRepeat" id="passwordRepeat" validation={{ required: true, }} customValidation={{ isEqulPasswords: isEqulPasswords(password), }} /> <br /> <ul>{passwordRepeatErrors}</ul> <label htmlFor="name">Job:</label> <Select onChange={(e) => { setJobs(; //we have accessed directly all the selected values and we have set jobs state }} identity="jobs" multiple value={jobs} validation={{ isAlpha: true, }} > <option value="1">Fornt-end Developer</option> <option value="2">Back-end Developer</option> <option value="3">Pixel Artist</option> <option value="4">UX Designer</option> </Select> <ul>{jobsErrors}</ul> <button>Send</button> </Form> </div> ); }; export default Other;

Initialization With Custom Messages

If you wish you can also send a config props to the FormValidation component while wrap your components with it.
So we can change FormValidation component like this;

import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import App from "./App"; import FormValidation from "reactjs-forms"; const config = { customMessages:{ max:"{{identity}} can be maximum {{value}}", isEmai:"this email adress is invalid" : } } ReactDOM.render( <FormValidation config={config}> <App /> </FormValidation>, document.getElementById("root") );

in this “{{identity}} can be maximum {{value}}” string expression; {{identity}} is your identity prop of Input,Textarea or Select components.
{{value}} is value that in validation prop of Input,Textarea or Select components.

<Input onChange={(e) => setCost(} value={cost} identity="cost" validation={{ max: 1000, // in this example {{value}} represents number 1000 }} />

So “{{identity}} can be maximum {{value}}” will be “cost can be maximum 1000”

Custom Message Priorities

Ofcourse custom messages has a priority while processing.
So custom message priority;

  1. Form Element Component’s validaiton msg props that you are declarated in components,
  2. FormValidation Config’s msg props,
  3. Default msg props

in this list 1 has highest priority and 3 has lowest priority.

For ts examples; Demo

Finally,if you want to ask any question you can join our Discord channel.
Also you can be contributor.

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Posted in React