Tonik — WordPress Starter Theme
branch tracks starter development and it’s not a stable code. If you want a stable version, use themaster
branch or one of the latest releases.
Tonik is a WordPress Starter Theme which aims to modernize, organize and enhance some aspects of WordPress theme development.
Take a look at what is waiting for you:
- ES6 for JavaScript
- SASS preprocessor for CSS
- Webpack for managing, compiling and optimizing theme’s asset files
- Simple CLI for quickly initializing a new project
- Ready to use front-end boilerplates for Foundation, Bootstrap, Bulma and Vue
- Utilizes PHP Namespaces
- Simple Theme Service Container
- Child Theme friendly Autoloader
- Readable and centralized Theme Configs
- Oriented for building with Actions and Filters
- Enhanced Templating with support for passing data
Tonik Starter Theme follows WordPress recommended requirements. Make sure you have all these dependences installed before moving on:
Comprehensive documentation of the starter is available at
Great that you are considering supporting the project. You have a lot of ways to help us grow. We appreciate all contributions, even the smallest.
- Report an issue
- Propose a feature
- Send a pull request
- Star project on the GitHub
- Tell about project around your community
The Tonik Starter Theme is licensed under the MIT license.