To-Do Tracker
Todo Tracker application allows user to add todo, assign categories to them and set reminders.
The Objective of this TodoTracker application is to cover the following :
- Allows user to add todo
- Edit, catagorize, organize, and mark as complete
- Get reminded about self-imposed deadlines.
- Offers user fiendly interface
- List the archived tasks as and when required.
Framework used:
Angular For Frontend
SpringBoot For Backend
Databse used:
File structure:
├── FrontEnd // This is the frontend Angular appliaction
├── To_Do_Tracker // This is the backend spring boot application
Architecture Diagram
Flow Diagram
To run the backend Application
- Clone the repository
cd To_Do_Tracker
mvn clean install
inside the backend folder Springboot application to generate target folder or .jar file. -
You can Run the backend using Docker in
or using service in intelij or run using STS 4. -
To run using docker follow this command (more information inside backend README)
sudo docker-compose up --build
To run the forntend Application
cd FrontEnd
To run the fornt end application you need nodejs install in your system and intall Angular CLI.
npm install
inside the frontend application to install application dependencies. -
Then run
ng serve --open
to run the angular server https://localhost:4200