Do you have a React interview coming up? Or do you just want to test your React skills?
We just published a course on the YouTube channel that will help you to prepare for a React interview by teaching you about 30 common React interview questions and concepts.
Nishant Singh developed this course. Nishant is a Frontend Engineer and tutorial creator.
Here are the topics you will learn about in this course:
- Map and Filter
- States in React
- Props in React
- Inline Conditional Expressions
- Event Handling in React
- Keys in React
- Forms in React
- Dynamic Inputs in React
- CSS Styling in React
- Uncontrolled v/s Controlled Components
- Virtual DOM
- InnerHTML in React
- React Fragments
- Stateless v/s Stateful Components
- REST API Requests
- Debouncing in React
- Context API in React
- Class v/s ClassNames in React
- Higher Order Components
- Lazy Loading in React
- Helper Functions in React
- Implementing Recursion in React
- Running Arrays of Functions
- Custom Hooks in React
- Promises and Async/Await
- Code Splitting in React(Dynamic Imports)
- Creating a Search Filter in React
- Adding TypeScript to React
- React Testing Library
- Caching an API Response
Watch the full course below or on the YouTube channel (5-hour watch).