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Vite-React is a scaffold project for quickly setting up a React application with Vite, providing an integrated solution for using Tailwind CSS, Material-UI theme, twin.macro, and other essential libraries.


  • Pre-configured with Vite for fast development and optimized builds
  • Integrated styling solution using Tailwind CSS, Material-UI theme, and twin.macro
  • Integrated multi-language solution using i18n-next
  • Centralized theme configuration for both Tailwind and Material-UI
  • Type checking with TypeScript throughout development and build processes
  • Essential libraries included:
    • Formik for form management
    • Yup for validation
    • Jotai for state management
    • React Router for navigation
    • React Helmet for managing document head
    • React-use for common hooks
    • @svgr/rollup for importing SVGs as React components
    • @loadable/component for lazy loading routes and components
  • Testing setup with Playwright and Vitest
  • Code quality tools: ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Lint Staged, and Commitlint
  • SASS support for extended styling capabilities


  • Node.js >=16.0.0
  • npm



dev: Start the development server with the --force flag.

build: Run type checking and build the project for production.

build:staging: Run type checking and build the project for the staging environment.

build-only: Build the project with Vite (used internally by build and build:staging).

preview: Preview the production build.

type-check: Check TypeScript types with tsc --noEmit.

lint: Lint and fix issues with ESLint.

format: Format the code using Prettier.

test:unit: Run unit tests with Vitest and generate coverage report.

test:e2e:development: Run end-to-end tests with Playwright in the development environment.

test:e2e:staging: Run end-to-end tests with Playwright in the staging environment.

prepare: Install Husky for Git hooks.

clear:ignored: Remove ignored files and folders, such as test results, reports, and build artifacts.


$ npm run dev


To build the project for production, run:

$ npm run build

To build the project for staging, run:

$ npm run build:staging

Running Tests

Unit Tests

$ npm run test:unit

E2E Tests

$ npm run test:e2e:development

To run end-to-end tests in the staging environment, use:

$ npm run test:e2e:staging

Known Issues

Playwright dependencies should be installed if you encounter a problem.

If you get an issue about husky, use the code below to give it an access to the file system.

$ npx playwright install
$ npx playwright install-deps
$ chmod ug+x .husky/*

E2E Testing with Playwright

env-cmd is used for environment variables depending on the stages.

If you need to change the related environment variables, change the related .env files.

More details here.

There are development and staging environments and related scripts. Use npm run test:${mode}:

  "scripts": {
    "test:e2e:development": "env-cmd -f .env.development --no-override playwright test",
    "test:e2e:staging": "env-cmd -f .env.staging --no-override playwright test"

There are several flags in Playwright.

If you want to use flags, add double dash after the script and the flag:

$ npm run test:development -- --headed --debug
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Posted in Development