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5 Things Most People Get Wrong About SEO


A constant fact in the search engine optimisation industry is the state of constantly evolving, as things that worked for you last week might fail your expectations tomorrow. Even though it’s been here for quite a while, there are still common misconceptions that need to be clarified. That is why in this article we will go over about what are the common SEO mistakes that you should avoid before submitting your post.

It’s The Same for Everyone

If you’re familiar with the SEO services that people are looking for these days, you must agree that every company brings a different approach to the table in terms of SEO. Which is a good thing, because what might work for client X might not work for client Y, as the targeting methods differ. For example, if you own bästa online casino you will want to have a different approach than you would have with an online shop for baby clothes. This is why it’s important to stay flexible and informed.

The difference is usually made in link building, which if properly done they can bring you tremendous value. If you have quality content you stay relevant, and by being relevant your audience will grow larger. Adding links to trustworthy sources is known to enhance your relevance in the search algorithms, and as time passes you will notice other websites naturally linking to your site.

Keywords Are Crucial – SEO Mistakes

Although the importance of keywords is real, they are only one part of the complex SEO strategy that you need to apply for your business to take off in the right direction. Maybe stuffing your post with lots of keywords might have worked in the past, but now that strategy is one of the major SEO mistakes you want to avoid, as is not bringing results anymore. Even if they do bring in some results, they won’t last for a long time. Instead of applying a bad SEO practice by cluttering your posts with keywords, try and concentrate on a well-developed strategy that includes other SEO tactics as technical optimisation or link building.

Some important factors to have in mind when creating is what keywords to include, what impact will they have on your text, and how often should you mention them (percentage of word density in your text)

SEO Providers Are Expensive

One of the biggest mistakes in SEO is having the mentality that SEO should be cheap and it should cost almost nothing if possible. The most plausible explanation for this popular opinion might come from the fact that SEO services are advertised as cost-effective tools that are practically inexpensive. The mistake is taking this statement literally and not going a bit deeper to try and understand what it truly stands for.

What this means is that SEO services are an extremely efficient way of boosting your business success, therefore if you invest a certain budget for high-quality SEO and the return of investment is considerable, then you could argue that the service was an inexpensive way (in the grand scheme of things) of boosting your reach. One of the common SEO mistakes to avoid if you are a business owner is to look specifically for the lowest cost possible when it comes to contracting SEO services, but what they don’t take into consideration is the fact that low rated often means amateur service that will bring you almost no results. So you are better off increasing your budget for SEO services so you can engage with reliable providers.

Anyone Can Do SEO

Plenty of people believe that SEO can be done by anyone, with no kind of training whatsoever, and this is certainly one of the many mistakes to avoid in SEO. Well, we might argue that SEO is not exactly rocket science and you don’t necessarily need to own a technical training degree to practice it. At the same time, you do need to master the basic concepts of this science and make sure you are familiar with all the variables and strategies so you can do an effective job. Equally important is also staying in touch and keeping yourself updated on any developments in the SEO industry, of course.

Good SEO strategy means success

It’s All a Big Scam

We think that this is one of the biggest SEO mistakes anyone can do, especially entrepreneurs that are just starting their project and believe it’s not worth investing in it as they believe it’s all one big attempt at tricking Google and improving your page ranking in the search engines. They couldn’t be more wrong about it. Maybe in the distant past, in the beginning, you could succeed in deceiving Google, but those days are long gone and we are now living in the „white-hat practices” era where you have to work your way up within the rules.

Final Words

SEO is a crucial part of any successful website, and it’s always recommended to do it in a proactive and impactful manner. Avoid thinking there is some kind of magic universal strategy that works for everyone, as it takes dedication and consistency to develop a proper strategy for your business. What do you think is the biggest SEO mistake of them all? What are some SEO bad techniques that you experienced and how did you overcome them? Feel free to share your stories with the rest of the SEO enthusiasts.

Posted by: Christine J. Shepard

Christine J. Shepard is a digital marketing associate that loves writing, especially blogs. She was brought up in New York where she was a bookseller before deciding to make the switch to publishing, picking up SEO courses on the side to become an expert. Her favourite activities are swimming and watching baking contests on Netflix.

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Posted in Software Engineering