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cron-expression-validator is a Node.JS library (support typescript) to validate quartz cron expressions


npm install cron-expression-validator


isValidCronExpression method reqire string (cron expression) as parameter and returns boolean value

var cronValidator = require('cron-expression-validator');
var isValid = cronValidator.isValidCronExpression("* * * * * ? *"); // returns true

if(cronValidator.isValidCronExpression("* * * * * ? *")) { // returns true
	// Your code

if(cronValidator.isValidCronExpression("* * * * * * *")) { 
	// returns false

Optional second param if you want to get error message

Can get error message by passing { error: true } as second parameter

if(cronValidator.isValidCronExpression("* * * * 25/2 ? *", {error: true}) {
/** returns {
/* 		isValid: false,
/* 		errorMessage: [ 'Month values must be between 1 and 12' ]
/*	}

if(cronValidator.isValidCronExpression("* * * ? * * 123/555", {error: true}) {
/** returns {
/* 		isValid: false,
/* 		errorMessage: [ '(Year) - Unsupported value 123 for field. Possible values are 1970-2099 , - * /',
/*				'(Year) - Expression 555 is not a valid increment value. Accepted values are 0-129' 
/*				]
/*	}

if(cronValidator.isValidCronExpression("0 0 12 1/2 * ? *", {error: false}) { // returns true
	// Your code

Cron accepted values

Seconds: 0-59 * , -
Minutes: 0-59 * , -
Hours: 0-23 * , -
Day of Month: 1-31 * , - ? L LW
Months: (JAN-DEC or 1-12) * , -	
Day of Week: (SUN-SAT or 1-7) * , L - ? #
Year: 1970-2099 * , -


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