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How to call a function of a module by using its name string with Python?

Sometimes, we want to call a function of a module by using its name string with Python.

In this article, we’ll look at how to call a function of a module by using its name string with Python.

How to call a function of a module by using its name string with Python?

To call a function of a module by using its name string with Python, we can use the getattr function.

For instance, we write:

def bar():

Then we write:

import foo
method_to_call = getattr(foo, 'bar')

We import the foo module with import foo.

Then we call getattr with the module and the name of the function we want to retrieve.

We assign the returned function to method_to_call.

Finally, we call method_to_call.

Therefore, we see 'bar' printed.


To call a function of a module by using its name string with Python, we can use the getattr function.

Posted in Python, Python Answers