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The Impact Of Web Design On Conversion Rate In Your Company


Do you know that a good website design can positively influence your website’s conversion rate? Research conducted at Stanford shows that 75% of website visitors will judge a company’s credibility based on their website design. Also, an unattractive website will turn about 38% of new website visitors off from ever revisiting your site.

Your website design shouldn’t be just about functionality; you should also consider search engine optimisation, branding, user experience and the user interface, traffic that will be coming into the website, your sales funnel, etc.

So, if you are creating a website for your business or updating your website, we will share a few tips that can increase your conversion rate through your website design.

Your website aesthetics matter

You might not think so, but a beautifully designed website will keep every two out of three people on your site for longer. Your website aesthetic is the first contact visitors have with your website, and it will form their first impression of the kind of company you have.

This impression will then either lead them to stick with your website or close the window. So, you want to make an excellent first impression.

Figure out what you want your visitors to know about your company, and then find ways to integrate it into your website design. For example, a clean and ultra-modern website aesthetic will convey to your visitors that your business is modern.

A mobile-friendly website can boost conversion rate

Another way your website can increase your conversion is through mobile responsiveness. In 2018 alone, about 52% of all website traffic came from mobile devices. That is more than half of the internet population was viewing websites using their phones. Let that sink in.

Mobile internet is here to stay, and you need to structure your website to keep on top of this trend if you want to increase conversion. Here are a few ways you can embrace a mobile-friendly design for your website:

  • Keep your website menu simple. This will help your mobile visitors swiftly access the most useful content on your site.
  • Ensure your navigation helps mobile users quickly move from one topic to another. You can incorporate sticky navigations, ‘back to the top’ links, anchor links, etc. into your website design.
  • Reduce the amount of CTA on your mobile site. Put the most important action you want your mobile visitors to take upfront, and ensure you aren’t bombarding them with unnecessary pop-ups.

Embrace white space in your website design

Next, white space is invaluable in building a conversion web design. You need your website visitors to be able to scan your site when they first open it easily.

So, by using whitespace in your design, you can:

  • Highlight your CTA to your site visitors.
  • Bring your most valuable website features front and centre
  • Promote high conversion images on your site.
  • Highlight your cornerstone content, etc.

White space is a high conversion optimisation design technique. Whereas, a clustered website will both turn your website visitors off and prevent essential features on your website from reaching your visitors.

Call-to-action placement on your website

Also, know that there is no such thing as a high-converting website without a solid CTA. A well-designed call-to-action is essential in your conversion web design, and by ‘well-designed’ we mean that the CTA on your website must:

  • Be clear and straight to the point.
  • Contain unambiguous action-oriented language (your visitors should immediately understand the action you want them to take).
  • Be more than one. Some visitors might want to ‘buy’ some visitors might want to ‘sign up.’ Create various actions you want your visitors to take and place them evenly around your site.

Drafting the right CTA might take some time, but once you get it right, you will notice a growth in your conversion. However, not everyone is an expert in drafting action-driving content, so writing review websites like Pick The Writer and Writing Judge where you can hire writers can come in handy.

Readability and typography in your site design

One of the changes in web design to improve conversion rate we advise is clear and high-contrast typography. The font type, font size, font colour, etc. you use on your website can help your readers actually read your content. Which, in turn, can affect your conversion.

For example, a visitor that comes on your website looking for something, in particular, will appreciate fonts that help them skim through your site. If they can quickly identify what your offering is, they can take desired actions.


  • Make sure your visitors can clearly differentiate your headlines and subheads. You can do this by using different font sizes or types in your headlines, subheadings, and paragraphs. You can also play with font colours, and textures.
  • Be consistent in your font type, size, colour, etc. all through your site.
  • Use no more than three fonts in your website design. This will help increase website usability and readability.

Content placement on your site & SEO ranking

Finally, in making changes on a web design to improve conversion rate, your site SEO and content placement go hand-in-hand. For example, in Google search ranking, websites with written content have a higher ranking than others.

Next, placing valuable content at the top of your site page can help your SEO ranking as well as help your visitors understand what your site is all about, which in turn can increase your conversion.

Although Google has improved in matching SEO synonyms to help website ranking, using literal keywords in your opening headings and paragraphs is still beneficial for your web ranking.

Also, adding useful content to your website will ensure that visitors stay longer on your site, which will benefit your website ranking.


Conversion web design is a practice that you shouldn’t neglect if you want to see a rise in your conversion rate. These few tips we have given you can help in the changes in web design to improve the conversion rate. So, don’t forget that your website can be a sales tool that actually sells, simply by following our tips.

Posted by: John Edwards

John Edwards is a writing specialist who is looking for ways of self-development in the field of writing and blogging. New horizons in his beloved business always attract with their varieties of opportunities. Therefore, it is so important for him to do the writing.

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