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WooCommerce: Product Title Shortcode


WordPress shortcodes allow you to save time. For example, on my WooCommerce product pages I found myself typing the product title at least three times: in the product name input field, ok, but also again in the product long description and in a custom product tab inside a text link.

So, while finding ways to save time and reduce errors and typos, I coded the shortcode below so that I could avoid writing the title 3 times (and they’re very long!).

How does it work? Simply use [post_title] in a WooCommerce product, WordPress page, WordPress post or custom post and this will magically turn into the current post title. Simple!

In this custom WooCommerce product tab I have a text link where I need to pass the current product name as URL parameter, so that my contact form is pre-filled with the correct product name. By using the shortcode below, I’m able to save time and avoid errors.

PHP Snippet: Print Current WooCommerce Product / WordPress Post Title Via a Shortcode

Yep, it’s only one line of PHP magic!

 * @snippet       Echo Current Product/Post Name (Shortcode)
 * @usage         Use [post_title] on the current post
 * @how-to        Get FREE
 * @author        Rodolfo Melogli
 * @compatible    WooCommerce 8
 * @donate $9

add_shortcode( 'post_title','get_the_title' );
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Posted in WooCommerce Tips