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5 Reasons Automation is the New Reality in Digital Marketing


When you come across the word “automation”, you would ideally think of AI, Machine Learning, IoT, and similar big terms and think it is too complex to be used in your business.

However, you would be shocked to know that automation isn’t a new concept. The truth is, we humans are always looking for ways to get the machines to do our jobs for us.

Did you know that 2000 years ago, the Chinese developed a system of “trip hammers” run by flowing water? This was indeed one of the earliest attempts at automation.

So you see, automation isn’t an entirely new concept, though a must if you want to scale your business’ growth and increase productivity.

Still don’t believe us? Here are 5 reasons why Automation is the new reality in Digital Marketing.

Save On Time

Overseeing marketing campaigns on your own is extremely difficult to scale for large organisations. Automation helps you to manage the critical facets of the campaign without spending much time on tedious tasks.

Delegating repetitive tasks to automation software will help you free up your time to focus on some more ambitious goals and productive business areas. For example, you can configure a pre-set email flow for new subscriptions. You can automate routine coordination tasks such as email marketing, CRM, list management, sending reminders, social media posts, form submissions and follow-up messages, and various customer service requests.

Automating these tasks will help you pay attention to the problems of your target audience, leading to better solutions and customer satisfaction.

Increases Brand Recall

Automation helps your organisation use various promotional techniques to keep your products and brand in consumers’ minds.

When a brand name sticks on the consumer’s mind, it immensely influences their purchasing decisions. Hence, creating brand recognition with automated retargeting can help boost customer conversions.

Improves Customer Personalisation Through Audience Segmentation

These days the demand for customised experiences for consumers is gaining importance. Intelligent automation is the perfect solution for customer personalisation.

Advanced technologies such as machine learning and AI can instantaneously gather, segment, and analyse customer sales data and convert it into actionable strategies to understand consumer buying behaviour.

You can integrate your CRM with a marketing automation platform and leverage first-party data to get details about your target customers. It can be used for personalised product recommendations and customised web page layouts. AI-powered sales bots can help for effective lead nurturing.

Fulfill Consumer Demand

Consumers nowadays are reluctant to wait for an answer to their queries. They want an instant way out of their problems and demand instant assistance and interactions.

Most organisations cannot keep up with such soaring customer expectations and cannot afford to pay for 24*7 customer service. Even for big organisations responding to consumer requests on time is a big challenge.

With automation, you can easily augment your ability to communicate and reach new customers on a larger scale. Chatbots can control most customer service issues, like bill payment, returns, collecting customer details, changing passwords, and many more.

Automated live chats can right away answer customer queries and also connect them with human representatives to deal with them if needed.

Blessing for Businesses of All Sizes

Be it big organisations or digital marketing for contractors, businesses of all sizes can incorporate automation in varying degrees. It is a great leveller and allows startups and small organisations to offer better automated communication and personalised experiences for their customers.

Moreover, many automation tools offer affordable prices based on the size and requirements of businesses., making it accessible for even smaller businesses.

Final Word

Automation is driving the future of digital marketing and is here to help your business grow. Adding automation to your digital marketing practices can help take your business to the next level.

Give it a chance!

Posted by: Raghav Tayal

Raghav is the Director of Operations at Digital Web Solutions, a global brand helping small and medium businesses rise above the ordinary through a growth-oriented digital marketing architecture. With a knack for developing and executing inbound marketing campaigns, Raghav has time and again ensured exceptional results for clients.

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Posted in Software Engineering