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6 Reasons Why WordPress is Ideal in Startup Companies Today


Online presence is critical for any business looking to become a profitable venture. This is especially the case for startups that must leverage modern techniques. They can use a website to sell their ideas to stakeholders and their target audiences.

If you’ve just launched your startup, you’re probably worried about building a website. If you’ve already passed that phase and are thinking about the best platform, how about WordPress? A free website creation platform that’s ideal for startups. It allows startups to edit and alter the appearance of their websites without using code.

Every business needs a website, especially if it’s new and needs to grow into a successful venture. If you have no idea where to start, it’s important to seek help from a digital marketing agency for startups.

Getting a professional with a speciality in your business takes a lot off your shoulders. It gives you time to take care of other matters concerning your startup.

Usually, startups are short on cash, making it difficult to get experts to work with. Hiring a professional website developer enables a business to have its digital marketing strategy in order. So, how much should a startup spend on marketing?

According to experts, a startup should spend 12%-20% of the gross revenue on marketing.
Depending on the business strategies, you can figure out how to budget for the money. This is why it’s important to have an effective startup marketing agency.

A business needs to have a powerful digital presence to grow. Presently, customers Google businesses while comparing them to competitors. If you have a weak website or are not on the internet, you lose the game to your competitors. So marketers are leveraging digital marketing tactics, which has enabled them to increase their conversion rates.

The Benefits of WordPress for Startups

Many businesses, established and startups don’t know how beneficial WordPress is. Neither do they know why they need to use it for their businesses. In this article, we give you reasons why it’s a platform worth considering.

Let’s get started!

1. WordPress is Free

Nothing sounds better to a cash-strapped entrepreneur than hearing that WordPress is free. Which begs the question, so what’s the catch? WordPress is open source. Meaning that it’s not owned by anyone.

This website creation platform is backed by a billion-dollar company, Automattic. It also has the backing of volunteers all over the world who’re constantly working to improve it.

The platform is licensed under the General Public License. This makes it free for those who want to build websites. Users have access to free themes, updates, and plugins from the WordPress repository.

Just to make one thing clear. Yes, WordPress software is free. But that doesn’t mean that you will run a website at zero costs. There are costs attached to hosting, the domain name, and customisation.

Startup’s Scalability

As exciting as it can be, starting a business is challenging. So, how do you ensure that you are on the right path? You must integrate professionals and technology to make your business grow. By technology, in this case, we are talking about WordPress.

Apart from WordPress, you also need to seek the services of a startup branding agency. A properly funded startup branding strategy forms a roadmap for the company. It leads the company towards growth in the industry.

Advertising is another important tool for a successful startup. Now, advertising for startups is not as easy considering the limited resources. But that’s not to say that it’s impossible. Especially if you’ve adopted the use of WordPress, a free platform that can be used to talk about your products and services.

When using WordPress, you can display your ads in the sidebar. By using WordPress widgets, you can add Google Adsense in your sidebar. Then choose whether you want your ad to be fixed or responsive. This enables any visitor to your site to get to know more about what you do. In the long term, you start to reap the benefits

WordPress is Secure

When it comes to the security of a website, no platform is 100% safe. Especially when hackers are always devising ways of accessing company websites. WordPress hasn’t been spared either, considering its growing popularity.

What makes it a better platform is that it’s fairly safe. Reason being that it’s constantly monitored for security threats. Aside from that, its users are always quick to raise any security concerns. The platform is also prompt in releasing security updates. It also takes care of minor updates automatically by default.

As a user, it’s important to note that the security of your website is your responsibility. Select a reliable host with quality themes and plugins. Ensure that you have strong usernames and passwords. Also, be sure to update WordPress regularly. You should also backup your website every once in a while to enhance its security.

Extensive Plugins

Websites have different needs depending on different company operations. While some may be selling products, others may want an interactive community. WordPress provides a platform for different kinds of websites. It also allows companies to add functions that will enable them to achieve their goals.

WordPress gives you the liberty to choose a plugin from the more than 50,000 plugins in their repository.

The free plugins are great additions to a startup’s website. They can also add on functions whenever the need arises in business. For instance, a company may not need a live chat on its website at the beginning. But as time goes and the need arises, they can easily add a plugin for the needed functions.

WordPress is Mobile-Friendly and Easy to Use

There are more people today accessing the internet via mobile devices. And just so you know, Google doesn’t take kindly to websites that aren’t compatible with smartphones.

That is not something to worry about though, as WordPress has everyone covered. The technology it uses is compatible and can create web pages for smartphones. It also has a series of free and premium themes, with the ability to adapt to the size of the user’s screen.

When it comes to ease of use, WordPress has one of the best features. You can use it even without knowing any code. It’s just like working with any other processor. A startup can create web pages from a user-friendly interface. Not to pour cold water on the importance of basic coding skills, but even without them, you can still enjoy using WordPress.

The platform has courses, training, videos, podcasts, and blogs to assist you. It excels at Do-it-yourself, and even newbies can create content. It also allows you to embed third-party content like Vimeo and YouTube.

It’s Flexible and Customised

The other best thing about WordPress is its flexibility. The platform comes loaded with Javascript libraries that constitute jQuery.

Every theme on WordPress has in-built customisation characteristics that are easy to customise. The premium themes have built-in drop and drag features which are also easy to customise.

WordPress is so simple to use, it’s like finding one of the best webinar platforms, once you have found a great solution, you simply carry on using it.

Final Thoughts

If you’re an entrepreneur who’s just launched a startup, this article must have been informative. Now you’re well informed about WordPress and why your business needs it. As an entrepreneur, you certainly know the importance of saving on money and time, which WordPress offers.

The market has different types of content management systems, but they’re expensive. Consider choosing WordPress to help you get your business to the world.

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Posted in Software Engineering