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Link Building Strategies for a New Business in 2021


When you own a new business, it is natural for you to look for affordable marketing and promotion options for your brand. Sadly, one of these options, called SEO (search engine optimisation), can put you at risk. Some SEO companies today make use of black-hat methods based on trying to fool the system. For instance, these platforms will build hundreds of low-quality links around spam-like websites or publish pages with too many keywords so that they become nearly unreadable.

While these techniques did work during the initial days of the internet, search engines have kept upgrading their algorithm to ensure that none of these practices was allowed to have high rankings; additionally, these platforms were also punished with search engine penalties.

It is recommended that you use white-hat link building tactics by doing it on your own or hiring link building services, something that well-established companies, big tech brands, or space unicorn would do. If you plan on doing it on your own, here are some tips to help you with the same.

What Are Some Efficient Link Building Strategies?

According to most link building experts, here are some efficient backlinking strategies.

1. Support The Local Community

Nonprofits and charitable organisations are always on the lookout for sponsors. A minimum of one sponsorship tier will include backlinks to the site of the sponsor. You need to think about what types of local events and organizations are eligible for sponsorship from your locality. Do these organisations host fundraising?

However, you should not limit yourself to these traditional charities only. You can also consider for-profit and school events. Any organisation that is looking for a sponsor will have a possible candidate for backlinking. This is regarded as one of the best link building techniques for new businesses. Overall, the sponsorship should make sense for your company by siding with your physical location or industry.

To take this tactic up a notch higher, you can sponsor something that your target audience actually cares about instead of simply supporting an organisation that will provide you with a link.

2. Connect With Niche And Local Bloggers

As a new business, you need to know the famous bloggers that cover your industry. These content creators are very famous because they provide a constant supply of content to their audiences. Similar to content managers, they also tend to run out of ideas from time to time. This is where your business can step in.

Follow these individuals on social media and subscribe to their blogs. Reshare and comment on their pieces when you find them interesting. This will ensure that you build a genuine relationship with them.

However, ensure that you pay attention to what they write about. Look for ways that make sense for them to include you as well. For instance, you may ask them to include your brand in their blog for local gift ideas if you are in the florist industry. If your company sells accounting software, you can ask a finance blogger if they wish to use your top tips for getting a tax refund.

The keynote here is to share something of value with their audiences. These bloggers have become influential because their content helps their audiences. If you can help them, they will do the same for you. This is considered one of the best link building strategies today.

Guest Post For Sites That Are Relevant To Your Industry Or Niche

This is a suggestion that can be seen in many similar articles; this is because this method absolutely works. Guest blogging can take a lot of effort. For this, you have to do the following.

  • Look for platforms that accept guest writers
  • Look for the contact info of the editor
  • Brainstorm a compelling story or article
  • Persuade and pitch the article
  • Write the piece down

While this method does entail a lot of work, you will also get a lot of benefits. Guest posts are a lot more than just an SEO link building service. When your guest post gets published on any site frequently visited by your target audience, you will get a lot of traffic to your website. Additionally, you will be able to elevate the status of your brand simply by having a byline on these platforms.

It is common for new and small businesses to run into roadblocks when working with popular sites. Therefore, it is suggested that you look for smaller but relevant sites to your niche or industry.

4. Run A Scholarship

Of course, you can choose to sponsor local organisations. However, you can also opt for high school or college sponsorships – this is considered one of the best ways to earn the .edu backlinks. The idea behind this tip is to create a scholarship for high school and college students that are relevant to your small business.

The thing about running a scholarship is that you will have to set aside some budget for this. However, this is known to be one of the most efficient link building methods you can use. Additionally, this will also help out students who are in dire need of a scholarship.

5. Provide Testimonials or Case Studies

This is one of the easiest link building methods that should be used often. What link building software or vendors do your company use? If you are happy using them, you can provide them with a testimonial or a case study.

Most brands practice this method to link their business in the testimonial or case study, often as social proof and gratitude. You do not want to get involved in this by asking for the link. This method should only be done for brands that you are sincerely satisfied with.

You can get in touch with the sales representative of the link building company. Once you do, let them know how useful their product or services have been to you. Also, include the fact that you are willing to provide a testimonial or case study for them. You will make their day, and they will definitely make yours.

Final Thoughts

The methods mentioned above are some of the best ways for link building. Of course, various other link building tools can help you do the same. However, ensure that the building link app you use is legit and only provides white-hat backlinking solutions, not the other way around.

What’s your experience with this concept? Let us know in the comments!

Posted by: Emily Moore

Emily Moore is an English & programming teacher with a passion for space and blogging. She believes that current exploration should be focused on preserving our planet’s resources. With satellites circling the orbit, it is easier to get relevant data on any environmental changes. This, in turn, should help people quickly address any challenges.

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Posted in Software Engineering